Green Man the EP is finally released! So happy it’s now out into the world. It’s such a difficult time for us all at the moment, and I wondered about the timing of releasing a new record. The world is concerned with other things. I feel though, that we need music more than ever in our lives. It can be such a healing balm to the spirit. Green Man is about Spring, rebirth and new beginnings. It is about hope and also the “present” quality of nature and its authentic unapologetic truth. I wrote Green Man to try to express the healing qualities of Nature through my music. I really hope I’ve gone some way in achieving this.
The video was created by a wonderful team of people with gorgeous specially shot footage from Scotland, the Lake District and Somerset. It features some of my favourite wild flowers – bluebells! Also beautiful time-lapse sequences from Timothy Hamish Shepherd (BBC Secret Life of Plants) To watch the video and see a full list of credits, please click HERE.
Thank you everyone who has joined me on this magical nature journey and supported the project. It is so much appreciated. Please feel free to join the new mailing list in the header above for more updates. I would love to hear from you.
Please keep protected and safe. x