Talk at Burlington House with Dr Isabelle Lackman
20th August 2013Last week I went to an amazing talk for the World Land Trust on the orang-utans of Borneo. Isabelle has lived out there for 15 years doing research, working with the people of Borneo and helping to protect the ever decreasing population of orang-utans in that area. She has made a dramatic difference to their survival. The problem is, at present the orang-utan population is isolated in secondary forested areas surrounded by farmland, domestic housing and palm oil plantations and a dividing river. She is working with the World Land Trust on a campaign to purchase land in areas which link these forested areas together thus making it possible for the orang-utans to thrive in a united population. Without these corridors, the orang-utans will eventually die out.
In October the World Land Trust begins a campaign to raise £250,000 with the target being £1000000 to purchase the land necessary to ensure the survival of these beautiful animals. It is imperative that we act now to ensure their survival. Please join with me in October to help raise this money. Whatever you can afford would be so appreciated by the World Land Trust and Isabelle. I will be setting up a Just Giving page where it’s easy to donate and inviting people to the campaign.